horses in Cades Cove

4 Things To Do in Cades Cove You Just Have to Try At Least Once

Horses in Cades Cove
February 28, 2018

Cades Cove is the most popular destination inside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can explore primitive churches, rustic cabins, and other historical structures. Along the 11 mile loop you’ll be treated to beautiful views of the mountains and possibly spot local wildlife. There are some things to do in Cades Cove that you just have to try at least once while there!

1. Horseback Riding

Horseback riding through Cades Cove is an absolute one of a kind way to navigate the area. The sweet horses at the Cades Cove stables are your means of getting around the loop while following a trail guide. The trail guide will answer any questions you have about the area, and will fill you in on history and facts about the area. The trail guides are incredibly knowledgeable! If riding a horse solo isn’t something you are comfortable with you can also take a carriage and hayride through the area instead. Horseback riding is one of the coolest things to do in Cades Cove that you will ever experience!

Learn more about the Cades Cove Stables, here!

2. Fishing

Fishing in Cades Cove

Fishing is a great way to get outdoors and be surrounded by local nature. Cades Cove is one of the prettiest areas in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. You can find gentle streams and fast moving rivers, and underneath those waters are fish! There are over 67 species of fish in the rivers, but the national park only allows certain kinds of fish to be caught and kept. You must have a local, fishing license to fish in the park. Fishing in the mountains is great to do alone if you just want to relax and focus on one thing. However, it’s also perfect to do with your family and make memories together. Fishing is one of the most peaceful things to do in Cades Cove!

To learn everything you need to about fishing in Cades Cove, click here!

3. Picnic

Food and the best view in the Smokies sound good to you? With over 300 acres you have plenty of room to pick a spot to picnic in Cades Cove. There’s also the campground and pavilion area! A picnic in Cades Cove is a very peaceful and wonderful place to rest and snack. Bring in a blanket, some snacks, and relax under a shady tree or at the campground to enjoy your lunch with the sounds of nature. After you’re done with your picnic you can hop back in the car and keep exploring the loop. Although, you can take a nice walk to explore a trail or historical structure while walking off some of your food.

4. Jeep Ride

cades cove road

A unique way to experience the Cades Cove loop is a Jeep ride! Enjoy the ride to Cades Cove through the Smoky Mountains with the wind in your hair and the smell of fresh mountain air! On sunny days, you can take the top and doors off and enjoy the scenery in a new way! If you see wildlife on Cades Cove Road you’ll easily be able to snap a few pictures without worrying about the windows being up or struggling to get the right angle. You’ll be able to easily hope out of the car to go explore the historical structures or trails.

Check out Smoky Mountain Jeep Rentals if this sounds like something you want to experience!

To find other helpful information about the area and to learn about other things to do in Cades Cove, take a look at our other blogs!

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